
Obama and Romney said that China does not pose a threat to the United States and potential partners

U.S. Eastern Time on October 22, 9 pm, Lynn University in Florida, Obama and Romney third and final  
presidential debate held at the sides of the debate will focus on foreign policy.

The 2012 presidential election in the United States last debate to start on the evening of 22 local time 9:00 (Beijing time at 9:00 on the 23rd). The final debate on the topic - the rise of China to become the focus of the debate. The two candidates are accusing China "so that the loss of U.S. jobs, but also said that China is not a threat, China can become the international partners of the United States.Romney said that China can become a partner of the United States. He said China does not pose a threat to the United States. China is a stable country, the United States should seek to work together with China.
Romney said, China is a big production base, it is the full development of their own, rather than external expansion. Whether the United States will continue to powerful, lies in its own strength and competitiveness. United States to become partners in China, the Chinese have a more responsible attitude. Romney said that he does not want to fight a trade war with China, but to strengthen cooperation on trade.
But Romney also accused Obama failed to stop China from the United States, "theft" of intellectual property, or to encourage China to continue to reduce the RMB exchange rate, and hurt U.S. businesses. He claimed that if he was elected President of the United States, will be declared China a currency manipulator.
Obama said that China is not only the opponent, but also a potential international partners. He said that during his presidency, the U.S. government proposed trade lawsuit against China, have more than two terms of former President George W. Bush.
Obama accused Romney operating private company Bain Capital, the jobs going to China.
China's rise, Obama stressed that the United States wants to maintain their advantage, to maintain the existing education and scientific research strength.
Obama said, in which the Asia-Pacific region of the United States, it is more important than Iraq and Afghanistan region. The United States need to adopt policies and measures to help China to abide by international principles.
But Obama, many American companies to move to the other side of the ocean, especially China, which deprived many American jobs.
The United States in the 2012 presidential election final candidate debate was held on the evening of 22 local time 9:00 (Beijing time at 9:00 on the 23rd). The debate was held at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. Obama and Romney around five themes of the argument, and responded to the issues raised by the moderator - CBS veteran anchor Bob Schiffer.
This debate mainly focused foreign policy, the debate on the issue is divided into five main sections: America's standing in the world, the longest war - Afghanistan and Pakistan, Thin Red Line: Israel and Iran, the Middle East, change and terror the new face of the doctrine, the rise of China and the World of Tomorrow.

